

Let your Qurban bring joy to those in need across the world’s most vulnerable regions
What is Qurban?

Qurban is an act of worship prescribed by Islam in order to get closer to Allah (swt) and to gain His pleasure.

Additionally, sharing these sacrifices with those in need, as outlined by Islamic principles, aims to promote solidarity and contribute to social equality.

When Can I Donate?

Obligatory Qurban Donations:

You can donate online through our website starting approximately one month before the Eid al-Adha until 1 day before the Eid al-Adha.

Nafile Qurban Donations:

You can donate your non-obligatory sacrifices such as adaq, aqiqa, gratitude and healing sacrifices online through our website for 12 months of the year.

When is my Nafile Sacrifice Slaughtered?

The slaughtering of the sacrifices such as adaq, aqiqa, gratitude and healing is carried out collectively at certain periods under the control of our supervisors who go to the region in order to inspect the compliance with Islamic procedures on site. This process may take up to 8 weeks depending on the situation in the region.

Compliance with Islamic Rules?

Qurban slaughtering is carried out in accordance with the rules set by the Islamic religion, paying attention to the conditions such as the type of animal, age, health status and proxy.

BE AID Association carries out Qurban slaughters carefully throughout the whole process under the supervision of our field personnel with the necessary training and experience and our authorised observers with scientific competence in order to ensure full compliance with Islamic rules.

Where are the sacrifices carried out?

BE AID Association carries out qurban slaughtering and distribution activities by proxy in many affected geographies of the world, especially in different countries of Africa and Asia continents. In addition, schools and education centers that try to provide education under difficult conditions are also supported.

Note: Depending on the need, the qurbans donated for Africa can also be slaughtered in earthquake zones in Turkey. If the prices of sacrifices in Turkey increase, the difference is covered by the Disaster Fund Account.

The Determination of Qurban Prices?

Qurban prices differ from country to country and from region to region.

In order to prevent over-concentration and unbalanced distribution, BE AID Association applies a single average price strategy by examining the prices in different parts of the world. In this way, sacrifice donations are distributed in accordance with the distribution of those in need and in proportion to their needs.

Reporting Process?

Proxy obligatory Qurban sacrifices are carried out by BE AID association in different geographies determined as priority need regions.

During the Wajib Sacrifice by Proxy process, 2 e-mails are sent to our donors. Firstly, a greeting e-mail is sent. If a video is requested in the greeting e-mail, the video of the qurban slaughter is sent to the donors.

After the slaughter and distribution process, donors are notified to the specified e-mail address. All sacrifices are video recorded by our teams and sent to donors when requested.

Due to poor internet access in some regions, video content only reaches us after our teams return from the region. For this reason, videos can only be sent to donors approximately 2 weeks after the Eid al-Adha.

Responsible for Sacrifice Organisations:

Mirac Günes



If you would like to meet the beauties of the world through our BE AID Association and be a part of the happiness through your donations, you can participate in our Qurban by proxy obligatory organisation. Just click on the DONATE NOW. button!

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